The Kingdom of 109

An unconventional monarchy dedicated to the preservation of traditional mathematics
The Constitution of the Kingdom of 109


To educate the citizens of the Kingdom of 109, to protect Longfellow from tyranny and evil, and to spread knowledge, interpretation, and application of traditional mathematics as put forth by the sages of the old and the respected predecessors of the Kingdom of 109, we establish this constitution for the Kingdom of 109.

Article 1

Section 1

All final say on legislative, political, and public matters shall be from herein granted to the official monarch of the Kingdom of 109.

The monarch may create new laws, abolish current laws, and is able to reject proposals made by others in Kingdom of 109 law.

Section 2

The monarch of 109, commonly known as the king, is not a citizen of 109, and therefore has no citizenship to lose.  The first monarch of 109 has the status of founder, a status which can not be taken away from said monarch.

If the need arrises, a new monarch of 109 shall be appointed, with the majority of the current citizens of 109 who are also currently students of Longfellow being aware of such a decree, by the incumbent monarch or someone of equal status; someone who has been a monarch previously can serve again.

When there is no monarch to choose the successor, the successor will be chosen by a predecessor monarch or someone of equal status.

Section 3

The monarch is responsible for maintaining prosperity in the Kingdom of 109; the monarch must have protecting the citizens along with fulfilling the goals of the Kingdom as stated in the Preamble be the utmost priority.

Section 4

Should the monarch marry, his spouse becomes king or queen if approved by the citizens of 109; this king or queen will become consort if the ritual of the crowning of a consort is performed after the wedding; the consort does not have any governing authority and only becomes the ruling monarch if the current monarch steps down or dies without choosing his successor.

Section 5

Anytime that the monarch is unable to perform his duties, the attorney general and ambassador of the Kingdom of 109 should be responsible for the legislative, executive, and judicial aspects of the kingdom. The ambassador deals with foreign affairs while the attorney general deals with domestic affairs. Judicial matters are decided jointly.

Section 6

The monarch has the right to dissolve the Kingdom of 109 to preserve its integrity in spirit.  To dissolve, the monarch, in a timely manner, must first notify all periods of the dissolution date and time.  After the date and time of dissolution, the flag of 109 may not be flown at official events.  Citizenship is preserved indefinitely in the Collective Spirit of 109.  T-shirts may still be worn by citizens.

Section 7

The last monarch of 109 has the right to reinstate the Kingdom of 109 after dissolution.  In so doing, the former K109 may return institutionally full, according to the desires of the monarch.  No other person but the last monarch of 109 may reinstate the Kingdom of 109.

Article 2

Section 1

What constitutes as 109 territory is seen by 109 classroom boundaries; the Kingdom of 109 is a fluid kingdom and territories are decided by the 109 monarch.

Section 2

Anyone who has not committed a heinous crime can become a citizen of 109 by being in 109 territory for 3 days.

No one can become a 109 citizen without at least 3 witnesses to confirm the presence of that person on 109 territory, and without consent of those with higher power than ordinary citizens; citizens are citizens for life unless citizenship is taken away or withheld.

Citizens may ask to have citizenship taken away, but the divesting of citizenship can only be done by the current monarch.

The monarch can grant honorary citizenship to those who do not reside on 109 territory and are thus unable to receive it themselves.

If a citizen of the Kingdom of 109 calls another citizen or oneself a small potato on or near 109 territory, that citizen shall lose citizenship temporarily for the time decided by the monarch, and be deemed in purgatory - a student in purgatory can still be charged with such crime; however, for someone to be found guilty of this crime, the offender must confess, or have someone accuse them of committing such a crime; the accuser must have at least 2 witness who saw the accused commit such a crime.

The prosecutor can be one of said aforementioned witnesses.

Section 3

If a citizen loses citizenship more than twice in a single year, the monarch has the right to disqualify that citizen from earning some or any awards bestowed by 109.

Article 3

Section 1

In a timely manner, an ambassador and attorney general should be chosen out of 109 citizens who are currently students in Longfellow by the monarch at some time during the school year; both roles are considered as higher than an ordinary citizen in power but below the monarch.

Section 2

The Kingdom of 109 ambassador is involved in creating treaties and establishing relations with other governments, while practicing diplomacy and representing the Kingdom of 109 in a positive light to other countries for alliances; the Kingdom of 109 attorney general reviews all legal documents and is involved in some decision making on how to word such documents, and should help decipher accurate interpretation of such wording in those documents to see if someone has broken a law or for another case of similar caliber.

Article 4

Section 1

Countries can be subject for an alliance if they have a moral standing on political issues, as decided by the monarch, ambassador, and attorney general, as well as the willingness to cooperate economically and militarily.

The Kingdom of 109 must abide by its treaties, but treaties made with other kingdoms or government that no longer exist shall be rendered void, even if there is chance of such government being reintroduced.

Article 5

Section 1

At the relative beginning of each school year, and at the ending of each quarter of the school year, each period in 109 should democratically elect a flagbearer.

A flagbearer carries the 109 flag during fire drills in one own’s period; the flagbearer should represent their period.

The flagbearer is deemed slightly more honorable than an ordinary citizen for the duration of the time they hold their position, but they do not hold more rights or privileges than ordinary citizens, excluding the duties previously stated; a citizen can not be flagbearer for more than one term, but they may run more than once.

To ensure fair and transparent democratic processes, bribery in elections for the position of Flagbearer or Datemaster is strictly forbidden. No candidate shall offer or accept any form of gift, payment, or other incentive with the intention of influencing the outcome of the election. Any candidate found to have engaged in such behavior shall be disqualified from the election and may face appropriate consequences as determined by the Attorney General and the monarch of 109.

Section 2

The monarch should only carry the 109 flag on the last day of the school year.

The monarch should sing at most 3 songs for each of his periods on the last day of each quarter; the monarch may suspend this tradition as he sees fit.

Section 3

At the relative beginning of each school year, and at the ending of each quarter school year, there should be a datemaster elected by the citizens of the Kingdom of 109.

Section 4

In the event that the flagbearer or datemaster is absent, the tallest, 2nd tallest and 3rd tallest of the remaining citizens in that period will act as first, second and third alternates respectively.  The alternates should also be chosen at the ending of each quarter.

Article 6

Section 1

The Kingdom of 109 does not sanction news publications other than the 109 Times; private publication is not considered a crime but should not be distributed with the intent to spread falsities or obstruct the Kingdom of 109’s goals as stated in the Preamble.

Section 2

Someone not a citizen of the Kingdom of 109 who is found spying on Kingdom proceedings that are not meant to be observed shall be declared an enemy of the Kingdom of 109 along with any accomplices aware of such event happening.

A citizen of 109 spying on Kingdom proceedings that are not meant to be observed with the intent to inform at least 1 person who is not a citizen of the Kingdom of 109 of what they observed while spying shall be declared a traitor.

Article 7

Section 1

The Kingdom of 109 is divided by class periods and possibly into territories if certain populations request to be annexed; if territories are part of 109, they will have lesser status than the parts of 109 divided by periods, and any people who are citizens of only the 109 territories are citizens of 109 with lesser status than ordinary citizens.

Section 2

The territories of 109 are allowed to democratically elect a flagbearer.

Amendment 1

No law may be put in place if it prevents 109 citizens from pursuing or expressing mathematics.